Client Wins

My client R wanted to minimize unhealthy snacking and add more nutrient-dense meals.

Over the course of a month, we worked on building several habits around hydration, dark leafy greens, proactive eating, and eating less processed proteins.

At the end of that month, she:

  • improved her running times

  • improved her endurance

  • went from a 5/10 to 8/10 in perceived energy level

  • lowered her grocery bill by up to $40

  • and lost 3 lbs without counting calories.

In her own words:

I have been vegan for a while but my diet consisted of heavily processed meat & dairy replacements, so I went into nutrition coaching with Danielle hoping to create a better-balanced diet that could help me sustain my new fitness goals and just feel better overall.

Danielle helped me turn my meal planning around, feel more energized, experience faster recovery post-workout and save money while doing so! By adding healthier habits to my already existing routine and replacing ingredients within my staple recipes, I do not feel like I had to 'give up' anything.

On 'cheat' days where I would have a more dense or processed meal, I found myself craving it less and therefore not indulging like I used to. On long-run workout days, I feel the energy to go farther than I planned rather than be exhausted mentally/physically as I did in the past.

I cannot recommend Danielle enough if you are looking for a coach that considers your unique lifestyle and creates a plan around it. She holds you accountable but also cares about how all aspects of life (work, mental health, etc) can affect your nutrition journey. She helps you build a path and stay on it to whatever your goals may be while learning fun food tips and tricks along the way!