I’m Danielle.

My ultimate goal is to help people feel incredible while living in alignment with their ethics. I’ve been vegan for 10 years and can attest to the physical and mental benefits of this lifestyle, along with millions of others.

Having grown up in a rural area on a meat-and-potatoes diet, I went fully vegan on my 19th birthday. I completely lost my taste for meat after seeing footage of a calf being slaughtered 4 months prior and transitioned to vegetarianism over that summer. Once I’d learned that the injustices of animal agriculture aren’t limited to meat production, I cut all animal products out of my life.

In the past decade I’ve been underweight, overweight, and everywhere in between. I’ve navigated social situations like weddings and funerals, and I’ve traveled internationally. I’ve run multiple races including a marathon and ultramarathon. I’ve eaten at a LOT of great restaurants and cooked the majority of my own meals. This is all to say, I’ve had a sh- ton of experience.

I’m certified in nutrition coaching through Precision Nutrition, one of the top certification programs in the world. I combine scientific knowledge with lived experience to help my clients achieve their goals, whether it’s structuring their meals, improving their energy levels and endurance, losing weight, or whatever else.

I’m here to help you optimize your nutrition without sacrificing your values.

Please note: Nutrition coaching is a service to help improve your diet and lifestyle. It is not meant to be used as a substitute for medical advice, nor to treat conditions like eating disorders, hormonal acne, or type 2 diabetes. If you are experiencing any of these, please consult a medical professional (and stay away from any nutrition coaches who tell you they can ‘cure’ these…)